Source: Vra/index.js

import axios from 'axios';

import {
    parseSingle as parseSingleDefault,
    parseMultiple as parseMultipleDefault,
    parseBinary as parseBinaryDefault,
} from './parsers/index';

 * Vra class initilisation options.
 * @typedef {object} VraOptions
 * @property {string} baseUrl - URL of the endpoint, without the models ID.
 * @property {Array<string>|string} only - Which actions to create for this model.
 * @property {Array<string>|string} except - Which actions not to create for this model.
 * @property {string} identifier - The identifier field, e.g. `id`.
 * @property {object} children - Children for this module.
 * @property {boolean} singleton - Whether this is a singleton endpoint or not - i.e. Only `read` and `update` calls.
 * @property {Function} toModel - Convert API data to a model.
 * @property {object} customCalls - Custom and extra API calls to add to this model.
 * @property {Function} parseSingle - Function to parse a single item returned from the API.
 * @property {Function} parseMultiple - Function to parse a multiple items returned from the API.
 * @property {Function} parseBinary - Function to parse a binary item returned from the API.

 * Vuex Rest API class.
 * Generates Vuex stores based on the supplied config. The stores have actions
 * for fetching and returning the API data,.
class Vra {
     * Allows you to change the request function to something else (e.g. To add
     * authorization headers) or to use a different HTTP library entirely. The
     * function context (`this`) is set to the same of the Vuex action.
     * @param {object} requestParams - Request params for `axios.request`.
     * @returns {Promise<object>} - The result of the request.
    static requestAdapter(requestParams) {
        return axios.request(requestParams);

     * Sugar for creating lots of modules.
     * @param {object} modules - Object of module configs.
     * @returns {object} - Namespaced Vuex modules.
    static createModules(modules) {
        const Klass = this;
        const generated = {};

        Object.keys(modules).forEach(name => {
            generated[name] = new Klass(modules[name]).store;

        return generated;

     * Instantiate the class.
     * @param {VraOptions} options
        baseUrl = '/',
        singleton = false,
        only = singleton
            ? ['read', 'update']
            : ['index', 'create', 'read', 'update', 'destroy'],
        except = [],
        identifier = 'id',
        children = {},
        toModel = data => data,
        customCalls = {},

        parseSingle = parseSingleDefault,
        parseMultiple = parseMultipleDefault,
        parseBinary = parseBinaryDefault,
    } = {}) {
        this.baseUrl = baseUrl;
        this.identifier = identifier;
        this.calls = [];
        this.children = {};
        this.toModel = toModel;

        this.parseSingle = parseSingle;
        this.parseMultiple = parseMultiple;
        this.parseBinary = parseBinary;

        Object.keys(children).forEach(c => this.child(c, children[c]));

        const onlyCalls = Array.isArray(only) ? only : [only];
        const includeCalls = onlyCalls.filter(n => !except.includes(n));

        if (includeCalls.includes('index')) {

        if (includeCalls.includes('create')) {
            this.createCall('create', {
                method: 'post',
                parser: parseSingle,
                identified: false,

        if (includeCalls.includes('read')) {
            this.createCall('read', {
                parser: parseSingle,
                identified: !singleton,

        if (includeCalls.includes('update')) {
            this.createCall('update', {
                method: 'patch',
                parser: parseSingle,
                identified: !singleton,

        if (includeCalls.includes('destroy')) {
            this.createCall('destroy', {
                method: 'delete',
                parser: parseSingle,
                identified: !singleton,

        Object.keys(customCalls).forEach(name => {
            this.createCall(name, customCalls[name]);

     * Get the URL using the baseUrl and the supplied fields.
     * @param {object} fields
     * @param {string} path
     * @returns {string} Endpoint.
    getUrl(fields = {}, path = '') {
        let url = this.baseUrl;
        const reqFields = (url.match(/:([a-z,_]+)/gi) || []).map(s => s.slice(1));

        reqFields.forEach(field => {
            if (fields[field] === undefined) {
                throw new Error(`You must pass the '${ field }' field`);

            url = url.replace(`:${ field }`, fields[field]);

        if (![null, undefined].includes(fields[this.identifier])) {
            if (url.slice(-1)[0] !== '/') {
                url += '/';

            url += fields[this.identifier];

        return `${ url }${ path }`;

     * Add a child module to this model.
     * @param {string} name - Name of the child model.
     * @param {object|Vra} child - Vra constructor options or Vra instance.
    child(name, child) {
            = child instanceof this.constructor
                ? child
                : new this.constructor(child);

     * Get the default parser.
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {boolean} options.identified - Whether this is a parser for an identified API call or not.
     * @param {boolean} options.binary - Whether this is a parser for a binary API call or not.
     * @returns {Function}
    getParser({ identified, binary }) {
        if (binary) {
            return this.parseBinary;

        return identified ? this.parseSingle : this.parseMultiple;

     * Create an action for an endpoint.
     * @param {string} name - Name of the action.
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {string} options.method - HTTP method for the call.
     * @param {Function} options.parser - Function used to parse the data from the API response.
     * @param {boolean} options.identified - Whether this endpoint needs an identifier field or not, e.g. `id`.
     * @param {string} options.path - Path for this callback, appended to baseUrl.
     * @param {boolean} options.binary - Whether this is a binary model or not.
     * @param {string} options.responseType - Override responseType, by default this is `undefined` for normal models, and `arraybuffer` for binary models.
    createCall(name, {
        method = 'get',
        identified = false,
        path = '',
        binary = false,
        responseType = binary ? 'arraybuffer' : undefined,
        parser = this.getParser({ identified, binary }),
    } = {}) {

     * Get a calls options.
     * @param {string} name - Name of the action.
     * @returns {object|null}
    getCall(name) {
        return this.calls.find(c => === name);

     * Modify an action for an endpoint.
     * @param {string} name - Name of the action.
     * @param {object} options
    modifyCall(name, options) {
        const call = this.getCall(name);

        if (!call) {

        Object.assign(call, options);

     * Instantiate a model class using the helpers if they exist.
     * @param {object} fieldsOrData
     * @param {object} options
     * @param {boolean} options.binary - Whether this is a binary model or not.
     * @returns {object} Model.
    createModel(fieldsOrData, { binary }) {
        if (binary) {
            return fieldsOrData;

        return this.toModel(fieldsOrData);

     * Get child modules for this store.
     * @returns {object} Modules.
    get modules() {
        const modules = {};

        Object.keys(this.children).forEach(name => {
            modules[name] = this.children[name].store;

        return modules;

     * Get the actions for this module.
     * @returns {object} Actions.
    get actions() {
        const actions = {};
        const self = this;

        this.calls.forEach(call => {
            actions[] = async function(context, {
                fields = {},
                params = {},
                method = call.method,
                path = call.path,
                responseType = call.responseType,
            } = {}) {
                if (call.identified) {
                    if ([null, undefined].includes(fields[self.identifier])) {
                        throw new Error(`The '${ }' action requires a 'fields.${ self.identifier }' option`);
                } else if (fields[self.identifier]) {
                    throw new Error(`The '${ }' action can not be used with the 'fields.${ self.identifier }' option`);

                let data = undefined;

                if (['post', 'put', 'patch'].includes(method.toLowerCase())) {
                    data = Object.assign({}, fields);

                const response = await, {
                    url: self.getUrl(fields, path),
                }, context);

                const parsed = call.parser(, fields);

                if (parsed.models) {
                    const value = => self.createModel(m, call));

                    value.meta = parsed.meta;

                    return value;

                return self.createModel(parsed.model, call);

        return actions;

     * Get the entire store for this module, for Vuex.
     * @returns {object} Store.
    get store() {
        const { actions, modules } = this;

        return {
            namespaced: true,

export default Vra;